Monday, 10 November 2008


the ideology 
the concrete base of shit
the cracks of a long day ended by a warm dawn 
sipping slippy sweetless wine
ending with a yawn

Do you go nuts, through the choas and confusion of a feeling
begun with a visually telepathic hello 
ended by a secret wave of goodbye
aesthetics of what has been and will never be

...the to plan your days...when to fall in love..
turning numb at the second of finding something real frightening that u coil into a shell of worm u never even knew existed

but there are concepts...theories...
faint feelings......experiences....denial killed knowledge as she expressed her desperation
the moment of pure bliss 
colorblind folding a kiss
convert your  blacks to white and back to black
and drown it in a neutral saturation

Do you know music?
pick up a guitar 
trash your fancy european sports car
wait to see if they care
play it loud, play it fair
shave ur head or grow ur hair
would u marry melody...if you knew it?

welcome then to the smile 
which took a while
to sway our way and warm our eyes.

with every centimeter of our hearts
no matter the conditions....
regardless of destiny's direction

allowing nature to take its course
my kind created to uncorrupt the corrupted discourse

we need music....
all these things
to fly

do you gather it all in a collection or have you lost faith in perfection?
as you grabbed hold of your favourite perception
just far away
from the world we know.

try to make your existence glow
as blake once his poetic flow

before the moment is ripe
one must let go